Vertigo Treatment Malad Call Us Right Now – 8108318464

Dr. Ravi Shinde  >  Vertigo Treatment Malad Call Us Right Now – 8108318464
Vertigo Treatment Malad

Vertigo Treatment Malad

Ankle Pain

Ankylosing Spondylitis


Back Pain




Disc Bulging

Frozen Shoulder


Heel Pain

Herniated Disc

Knee Pain


Lumbar Spondylosis


Muscle Pain

Neck Pain

Nerve Pain


Finger Pain


Tennis Elbow

Cervical Spondylosis


Slipped Disc

Massage - Vertigo Treatment Malad

Thai Massage

Deep Tissue Massage

Panchkarma Massage

Reflexology Massage

Abhyanga Massage

Meridian Massage

Cupping Massage

Acupressure Massage

Kerala Massage

Ayurvedic Medicine - Vertigo Treatment Malad


Kidney Stone

Gall Bladder Stone

Hair Fall Treatment


Herpes Zoster


Rheumatoid Arthritis





Immunity Booster

About Us - Vertigo Treatment Malad

Dr. Ravi Shinde (Chiropractor) has an expertise of over 15 years in alternate medicine field, he possess a diploma degree and a specialization in ‘Chiropractic Care’ from a reputed University in U.K.

Dr. Ravi Shinde (Chiropractor) has started his practice in 2006 and has his clinic in Versova (Mumbai), Thane & Hadapsar (Pune)

With years of experience as Chiropractor, Dr Ravi Shinde is capable of analysing your body and creating a custom pain relief and rehabilitation plan to benefit your health.

Dr. Ravi Shinde understands the importance of educating you on chiropractic care so that you can heal quickly. 

Our Team - Vertigo Treatment Malad

Dr. Ravi Shinde’s experienced team of chiropractors are knowledgeable in spinal and chiropractic adjustments. The purpose of spinal adjustments is to return the spine to a natural state of health and to reduce pain, muscle spasms, and nerve irritation, so you can enjoy your life pain free Not only will Dr. Ravi Shinde’s team will treat your existing conditions, but we strive to prevent pain and illness from reoccurring. We strive to help you improve your quality of life, achieve your wellness goals, and heal your body to live your best life possible. 

Treatment Of Accidental Injury Through Chiropractic - Vertigo Treatment Malad

Dr. Ravi Shinde understands the stress and pain patients are in following personal injury accidents. Dr. Ravi Shinde treatment includes analysing, diagnose and creating an individualized treatment plan for whiplash and soft tissue injuries. Dr. Ravi Shinde will thoroughly explain your treatment and update your insurance agency on your behalf. 

Treatment Of Work Related Injury Through Chiropractic - Vertigo Treatment Malad

Most work injuries are caused by overuse and repetitive stress injuries. Overtime, small tasks done with poor posture can lead to acute and chronic pain, which can result in reduced worker productivity, lost time from work, disability, and an inability to perform job tasks. 

Ayurvedic Treatment

Dr Ravi Shinde’s ancestor’s has been practicing Ayurvedic Treatment since ages. Dr. Ravi Shinde is the 3rd generation in treating Piles, Fissure, Fistula, Acidity, Arthritis, Constipation, Gall Bladder Stone, Hair Fall Treatment, Herpes Zoaster, Jaundice, Kidney Stone, Leucorrhea & Rheumatoid Arthritis through Ayurvedic Medicines

Ayurvedic Medicine

Dr. Ravi Shinde is an expert in making Ayurvedic Medicines, through which he will cure your disease. He is a specialist in understanding herbs from forest, which in turn helps him make the medicine, even for un-curable diseases

Massage Therapy - Vertigo Treatment Malad

Dr. Ravi Shinde cures several diseases through Massage Therapy. He is an expert in offering

Thai Massage

Deep Tissue Massage

Panchkarma Massage

Abhyanga Massage

Reflexology Massage

Meridian Massage

Cupping Massage

Ayurvedic Massage

Accupressure Massage

Kerala Massage

FAQ - Vertigo Treatment Malad

A chiropractor is a primary care doctor who specializes in spinal health and well-being. They focus on the prevention, diagnosis and conservative care of spine-related disorders and other painful joint issues. In addition to adjustments, chiropractors also provide soft-tissue therapies, lifestyle recommendations, fitness coaching, and nutritional advice. Apart from that we also add acupuncture treatment to our patients in their early and or final stages of their treatments which has return very good results to eliminate the pain permanently.

Chiropractors are known for their expertise in caring for patients with back pain, neck pain, and headaches. They also treat sports injuries and other disorders involving muscles, ligaments and joints. The benefits of chiropractic care go beyond this and extend into general health as our core body structure affects overall function and health. Dr. Ravi Shinde has over 15 years of extensive experience in Chiropractic treatments and has a history of successful treatment to thousands of people suffering different types of pains.

A chiropractic adjustment is the art of using a specific, controlled force in a precise direction that is applied to a spinal joint not moving properly or “locked up.” The purpose of this natural and safe procedure is to correct structural alignment and eliminate interference in the nervous system. For the patient, this means improved spinal function, reduction in pain, and an overall improvement in health and wellness. 

Chiropractic manipulation is a highly controlled procedure that rarely causes discomfort because minimal force and gentle pressure are used. In fact, most patients feel relief immediately following treatment. Any reported soreness after an initial adjustment has been described as similar to that associated with starting a new exercise program. Drinking plenty of water, using an ice pack, and engaging in light stretching after your first visit can help ease any discomfort promote healing. 

Chiropractic care is widely recognized as one of the safest drug-free, non-invasive therapies available for the treatment of most back and neck problems. Spinal adjustments are extremely safe when performed by a licensed chiropractor. 

The noises you hear resembling popping sounds are your joints releasing tiny pockets of air. A chiropractic adjustment does not affect the bones of either side of a joint; it affects the connective tissue that holds the joint together. 

Each patient’s care is unique and therefore customized to meet their specific condition and needs. Your chiropractor will modify adjustments based on your size, weight, age and health condition

Any part of the back can be stricken with pain. The thoracic vertebrae, discs, and nerve roots lie in the area we refer to as the upper and middle back, while the lower back includes the lumbar and sacral spinal structures. Upper, middle, and lower back muscles are also prone to damage or strain.

Acute pain back often occurs in high-impact accidents such as sports injuries or auto accident injuries. The vertebral joints may be dislodged, causing painful stiffness, while herniated discs pinch sensitive nerve tissue to cause both lower back pain and leg pain (sciatica). A heavy lifting injury or violent twisting of the spine may also cause painful muscle tears

Chiropractic adjustments can shift errant spinal components back into their proper position. These adjustments normalize joint motion while also improving your spinal alignment to relieve chronic strain and nerve impingement.


How does spinal decompression relieve back pain?

Our chiropractors use spinal decompression to create additional space between your vertebrae via careful application of flexion distraction force. The resulting vacuum pressure pulls herniated or bulging discs away from nerve roots. It can also help reduce the vertebral joint stress often caused by bulging discs.

If you’re having lower back pain.This kind of pain is something that seems to become more common as we age. Sprains and strains, herniated discs, and stenosis are the most common causes of lower back pain

Sprains are injuries to your ligaments, which help hold the bones of your spine together. Strains are injuries to muscles or tendons that connect other muscles to back bones.  Herniated discs cause sudden lower back pain and sometimes even numbness. The pain and numb feeling can extend through your buttocks, down your leg, and – for some people – all the way into the foot.

Spinal stenosis is caused by bulging discs, thickened ligaments, or small growths squeezing on the spinal canal that holds the spinal cord.

It is always challenging to get rid of the back pain, in theory the back pain cannot get better by doing exercises, yoga unless it is been directed by an instructor. The easiest way to get relief from back pain is to visit a Chiropract. Once the root cause of the problem is identified, then the chiropract advises number of sessions to get rid of the pain also he advises mild exercises for home if required to heal faster. Dr. Ravi Shinde is also a well-known physiotherapist due to which many have got effective relief from their life long suffering.

Varicose veins are swollen twisted veins which may allow the blood flow to the wrong direction. Usually the veins are clearly visible and can cause painful itching, swelling as well vein rupture in some cases. This happens due to the valve of the veins do not function properly.

We have variety of remedies for Varicose veins, right from Chiropractic adjustments, massages to acupuncture treatment to get fast and effective results.



Our Centers

Versova (Andheri West, Mumbai)

Thane West

Hadapsar, Pune

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